The team La Tova - Asesud Almudévar has responded to the expectations in the competition of La Sènia and Zegama competitions.
In La Sènia, the rain conditioned the test from the first moment. Quickly the squad was reduced to a multitude of small groups while, at the head of the race, a runner's escape increased the distance in front of the platoon with Daniel Mellado among its members and, later, with Joshua Sandman.
The British cyclist asserted his qualities as a rodent getting a fantastic 5th position followed by Mellado (17th).
On the other hand, in Zegama, the five steps through the Alto de Lierna hurt the platoon by selecting the test while a getaway achieved a maximum income of 3 minutes.
In goal, three runners of the Aragonese teams managed to finish a tough test with Mellado the best placed in fifteenth position.